Sunday, February 21, 2010

Love and acceptance

I sincerely hope I don't become the kind of mother who treats my children like I wish they would be more then they are. My kids are my life. Simple. Everything I do is for them, I'm busting my butt working too many jobs and being gone too much so I can do things for them. So I don't have to say no when they want to go to volleyball camp, or basketball camp, or if they want a new camera because they're interested in photography, or....even a new pair of skinny jeans because that's what's "in" this month. My kids aren't spoiled, they don't get most things they want, and I'm ok with that. My 11 year old doesn't have a facebook page, and she won't have her own cell phone until she's old enough to "need" one. I want to be able to say yes sometimes too though. Therefore I'm busy all the time. Yes I realize that time is worth more then money and things...but you can't really explain that to anyone under the age of 30 ;).

But..that's not what the point of this post was supposed to be. A certain member of the extended family apparently has a real problem with Megan. Megan is Megan. She is who she is, and I'm trying to see past the things I don't "like" and appreciate her for who she is, and I'm finally there. I still see the things I don't like, but I love her for all the things, good and bad. She's beautiful, creative, sweet, loving, giving, talented, she's got a beautiful singing voice, she's an awesome dancer...yada yada. She's also not extremely motivated, she has a lot of trouble in school, she'd much rather watch tv then do anything else, and she seems to think she's a tad older then she really is. These things are ok with me, because it's part of what makes her who she is. I don't like them, but I accept them. There have been a few comments made recently, kind of offhand...but made nonetheless, about Megan, and these comments were made by someone who should love her unconditionally. Comments about her clothes, and laziness...and these comments were not made to me, or to Brian, but to other people in the family. Part of the problem is that one of her cousins who's very close to her age is, well, perfect. She's a perfect student, perfect attendance, perfect grades, she wears clothes that apparently are deamed acceptable by the older generation, (granted she still wears little kid sizes, so we'll see how much luck she has finding non low cut jeans once she reaches juniors sizes). Anyway, Megan is constantly being compared to this perfect child and falls short. *** doesn't think she needs to wear jeans that show her ass, *** does the dishes without being asked, *** gets her AR points without being forced to read, blah blah blah. Megan gets frowned at when she straightens her hair but when *** got a perm she looked so pretty......

Ugh, I hate it. But what do I do? I blog about it just to vent, I bitch to my hubby, and I shut the hell up. Is creating a problem in the family going to help Megan?? Probably not, it'll just make it more uncomfortable for both of us. So I'll continue to blog about it just to vent, bitch to my hubby and bite my tongue.

Thank God for alcohol at family functions, eh?

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you know I'm proud of you! Kids don't come as what we "want" them to be - they come as what they ARE ... and for me, that's been one of the "best" parts of parenting. No, not the easiest, but the best in terms of having my eyes opened, realizing things about both Natalie and myself, etc.

    Megan *is* a beautiful person - and I hope you've shared this with HER! She would appreciate it!

    LOVE YOU!!
