Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Keeping up VS Catching up...

Why is keeping up so impossible??? My goal for the next 3 weeks is to catch up. Once I'm there, I'm going to work on keeping up. I have many goals for the next few weeks...one of which is to get back into running!! I was up to 2 miles almost every day, then life got busy and I got lazy. After gaining back some ( I'm too afraid to weigh myself to find out exactly how much!!) I have to get back into the eating healthy and exercising habit I was so strict with just a month ago! I also am going to give up drinking pop.(Read: TRY REALLY HARD to give up drinking pop!!) This is a huge thing for me, I'm completely and totally addicted. Being completely and totally addicted is what made me decide I need to give it up now. That and the fact that I know it's terrible for me in so many ways. Brian is definately getting me into a more natural way of eating, I completely see the benefits, but it's going to take a lot to make the changes we need to make. We're not going organic by any means, just going to try to knock out a lot of the chemicals and corn syrup that goes into so many foods. Wish us luck!!

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